Upcoming Events


-Conversational Greek, Culture, & Dance for Kids with EVA  X.

on Thursdays 5:00 PM

& Saturdays 11:00AM; $5 fee...

Call 508-996-5913 for further information



  • March 26th Wednesday Presanctified Liturgy 6pm

  • March 21st and 28th Fridays Akathist Hymn 6pm

  • March 23rd, Sunday of the Holy Cross

  • March 25th Tuesday Annunciation of Theotokos  9am



-April 13th Palm Sunday & Lenten Luncheon

-APRIL 18th Holy Friday. Purchase Luminaries 

-April 20th EASTER... Easter Bunny will be here!!!!

-April 27th Saint George Dinner In the Church Cultural Center $25 each